10 Keys to business success

Business success - Are you a business owner, manager or simply just working at a company? Do you know that there are so many practical advices from God’s word how to be successful with your finances?

So many companies struggle because they think God will not help them. They are under the impression that the bible or only for spiritual matters. That is so far from the truth. The bible and the Holy Spirit give us all the answers and directions that we can ever need for our lives here on planet earth.

This includes how to manage your personal finances and your business finances.

Deu 8:18 GW  But remember the LORD your God is the one who makes you wealthy. He's confirming the promise which he swore to your ancestors. It's still in effect today.

God wants us be wealthy. But what is the purpose of this wealth?
Act 20:35 MKJV  I have shown you all things, that working in this way we ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive

The more you have the more you can give to people that don’t have. It is as simple as that. You can’t give what you do not have.
As you spend time with God, He will teach you how to get wealth. An easy definition for being rich is as follows. After you returned your tithes and paid all you bills, you have monies left. As God leads you then sow these monies. Rich does not mean you have lots and lots of monies. If you working well with your monies so that you can give to other people in need, you are rich.