Statement of faith and vision

The Ready for Life Group - Vision and Statement of Faith

  1. Our vision is to teach Christians the Word of God in a systematic format
  2. Our vision is to get the Bible School program up and running in 1 million churches worldwide to teach the Bible School to 1 Billion people.
  3. Our vision is to get Christians excited about God and to be active for Him

The Bible verse that God gave me for this ministry

Col 1:27-29 GW God wanted his people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery-which is Christ living in you, giving you the hope of glory.  (28)  We spread the message about Christ as we instruct and teach everyone with all the wisdom there is. We want to present everyone as mature Christian people.  (29)  I work hard and struggle to do this while his mighty power works in me.

What do we believe

We believe that sex outside of marriage is a sin. We believe a sexual relationship can only happen between a two married people. Any other form of a sexual relationship is not biblical. We believe that only a man and a woman can enter into a marriage covenant. ( 1 Cor 7:1-5, Rom 1:26-28, 1 Cor 6:9-10, 1 Tim 1:10-11, Heb 13:4) 
We believe that homosexuality is against God's word and is a sin. (Lev 18:22, Lev 20:13, Rom 1:18-32, 1 Cor 6:9-10)

We believe that all forms of abortion is murder and a sin. We believe that life starts in the womb and not once the child is born. (Ps 139:13-16, Jer 1:5, Gal 1:15, Eph 1:3-4, Luk 1:41-44, Exo 21:22-25, Exo 4:11, Ps 127:3, 1Cor 6:19-20)

We believe you are created as a male or a female. You do not have a right to choose. We believe God assigned your gender to you and even if you do have some form of sex change, hormonal change or dress change, in God's eyes you will always be the gender you where born with. The Bible assigned your role and obligation based on your gender, you where born with, and nothing can change that in God's eyes. If you are born as a male, in God's eyes you will always be a male. If you are born as female, in God's eyes you will always be a female. (Gen 1:27, Jud 4:4, Act 18:26, Col 3:18 , Eph 5:22-23, Gen 2:18 , 1 Pet 3:7, Act 16:13-15, Jud 5:24-27, Pro 31:1-31)

We believe that Jesus died for our sins and that God raised Him from the dead, in body and spirit, and that we have salvation through the blood of Jesus. This salvation is a free gift from God and none of our actions can earn us this salvation. If we believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Jesus as our Lord we are saved. (Rom 10:9-11; Eph 2:8-9)

We believe that the Bible is the inspirational word of God Himself and reading His word daily is the same as God speaking directly to us. (Joh 1, Ps 1. Ps 119)

We believe that Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to help us and to guide us in all our decisions as God instructs Him to lead us. We believe that you can be led by the Holy Spirit and hear God’s voice. We also believe in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues. (1 Cor 12; Rom 8:14, Joh 10:27)

We believe that God created hell for satan as his punishment and not for man but if you choose to reject Jesus as your Lord and Savior, than you will fall with satan into eternal damnation. But if you choose Jesus as your Lord and confess that, then you will have eternal life with God. We do not believe that satan and his demons will punish someone who is in hell and we do not belief that satan rulers in hell or from hell. Hell itself will punish whoever goes there. Hell is created by God and therefore is not evil. The people that choose to submit to evil will go there but hell is not evil since God created it. Since hell was created to punish satan and his demons and will do so at the end, hell is perfect in it’s design since it will fulfill the purpose that God created it for. We also believe that hell is a literal lake of fire. (Rev 20:11-15; Rom 10:9 – 10, Mat 10:28, Luk 16:19-31, 2 Thes 1:5-12, Mat 13:45-51, Mat 25:41-46)

We believe that God created spiritual laws like Sowing and Reaping and that the Bible teaches us about these laws. If you accurately use these laws you will overcome any trail, tribulation and any persecution. Nothing will be able to stop you in your walk with God. You will be perfect, complete and will lack nothing. (Gal 6:7-9; Mar 11:22-26, Jam 1:1-8)

We believe that God has a calling for every person and that God will give you all the tools and knowledge to do the work He has called you for. (2 Cor 9:8-15, Rom 11:29, Eph 2:10)

We believe that if someone is not part of a ministry or helping people where he works or lives he is not a mature Christian. We believe that God’s wisdom is for winning souls and discipleship and if you want wisdom to manifest in your everyday life you must get involved in discipleship. (2 Cori 5: 14 – 21, 2 Tim 4:1 – 5, Pro 11:30, Mat 28:18-20, Mar 16:15-20)

We believe that the Bible teaches us how to pray and if we take all the instructions on prayer and put them accurately into practice then all our prayers will be answered and that there is no such thing as a “silent answer from God is also an answer to prayer”. We believe that God answers all prayers that are prayed according to the instructions in the Bible. (Mar 11:24, 1 Joh 5:12-15)

We believe that we must live by faith and that when your apply faith to any situation you will get the right result each and every time. We believe that if you take all the instructions of faith and correctly applying them that it will transform your life day by day. (Heb 11)

We believe that baptism by water immersion (to be full dunked under water), is one of the most important tools that God has given us to war against satan. We believe that only Christians that have reached an age of understanding and know the spiritual reasons and significance of baptism can be baptized. If someone is ten years old and understands the spiritual reasons and significance for the baptism he or she can be baptized. We do not believe that only grownups can be baptized. (Rom 6:4 – 11, Act 8:35 – 39, Rom 6: 3 - 6)

We believe that satan has no authority and no weapons to harm us and that Jesus stripped him of all powers. Satan can only defeat you if you allow him to. (Luk 9:1; Col 2:13-15, Mar 16:15 – 20, Isa 54:17)